Saturday, November 7, 2009

Diana Van Fossen November 7 at 12:38pm
What a shame about the "hiatus" at BoarsHead. But then it does give them a breather to regroup after an overdose of ill will since they let Kristine Thatcher go.

I listened to Kristine's interview and thought it was great. I know what she means about "standard fare."

Geoffrey's work is never "standard fare." Always producing new, edgy work since the Hudson Guild (only new plays) days. He's a rebel!! Not exactly like in the Civil War -- though he's commissioned two plays about its start for next season! One from a black point of view and one from a Caucasian writer (from Russia, of course!).

So here we are in Alabama so proud to be premiering two brand new plays a season. Even though it is a Shakespeare Festival. Are we sweating blood? You bet.

You have to remember that Shakespeare walked to London so that he could start in the theatre. He was a new playwright. His young feet felt a lot on the walk and that reverberated with the fabulous collision of languages that was going on in London at the time. I really believe the inspiration to storytelling wells in the nomad!!! And what a feast he had.

It's so not cushy in the arts, but it's glorious.

By the way I love directing. Major canvas!!!

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